Uttam School for Girls

Holistic Development

Our teaching and learning methods help children grow holistically so much so that our development and learning objectives are multidimensional.
Books are an empowering tool for instilling values in our students.
The pastoral care provided by the school ensures our students remain physically healthy, mindful, emotionally safe, culturally and spiritually aware, aesthetically creative and competent in society and the learning process.
The bond shared between the teachers and students plays a very eminent role in this process of development. As good mentors and friends, our teachers use the strategies of mindfulness, physical activities, simulation games, yoga and meditation for happy classrooms that teach them resilience and are conducive to holistic development.

Values like mindfulness and resilience here are treated as ‘empowering tools’

which are helpful in meeting the myriad challenges of the contemporary social world. The complete focus is on training the mind, body and soul which itself is not detached from values. Grounded in a holistic framework, the school makes striking attempts to relate to the contemporary issues and realities of our society. It is woven into the totality of our educational programme.

Some ways in which students are trained to acquire values:

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